If you have ever wondered how to become viral on Instagram, then this article is perfect for you! We will talk about all of the ways you can get free, high-quality likes and comments on your Instagram posts by using quotes, which are by far the most popular types of content to share on social media sites. Let’s jump right in!
6 Ways to Go Viral with Quotes
People have grown up with social media and are used to a steady stream of clever content. The average attention span is around 8 seconds, so how do you grab your followers’ attention? One way is by showing them that you can write a punchy, relevant quote in just a few words. That one picture or GIF they see in their newsfeed will spread all over Instagram.
According to Edgerank Checker, posts with images receive 97% more views than text posts—and they may even inspire some quotes of their own! Use these 6 tips as your blueprint for creating killer Instagram quotes and becoming viral like how I gained over 1 million views with my instagram saree quotes.
Use quotes as captions
If you already have a picture that you want to share, try adding a quote or two underneath. You’ll give your post more substance and encourage your followers to reflect on their own lives. This is one of our favorite methods for creating Instagram quotes: we use them in our own caption photo at least once per day! Some of these photos are even screenshots from our own social media account—but it makes for a clever caption every time! If your account is private, you can still add text by uploading images in Instagram stories.
Make your quotes relatable
You can only be as popular as your followers want you to be, so they need to feel a connection with what you have to say. Keep in mind that your audience is likely made up of people who are already into Instagram and social media, so try creating some Instagram quotes that appeal directly to them! What are their interests? Make sure they’re able to see themselves in whatever it is you’re sharing. For example, my primary audience are Indian and other east Asian women. Hence, my quotes about saree on Instagram went viral and got millions of views.
If you’re feeling inspired, write your own!
There are tons of inspirational quote generators online where you can type in a phrase and download an image with a relevant quote. We personally like @quotestagram on Instagram itself, but it varies by platform. Another way to make quotes is through your own personal experience: think about how other people have impacted your life in some way and find something that sums up how you feel about them. It might be easier than you think!
Post at peak times
You’ll have a higher chance of getting noticed if you know when your followers are most active. We found that our images perform best early in the morning, around lunchtime, and during late afternoon hours. These windows typically also see an influx of new Instagrammers—so it’s a great time to kickstart your account! If you don’t want to do any calculations, we suggest posting between 8-10 am EST, 12-2 pm EST, and 6-8 pm EST every day (in addition to other times).
Use correct grammar and spelling
This tip might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people post images with grammatical errors. Make sure your account reflects well on you—your audience deserves that! While some creative liberties are fine (especially for quotes), make sure that you’re using proper capitalization and punctuation. One or two spelling mistakes here and there are fine, but if it looks like you didn’t read over your post at all, it won’t get as many likes or comments. When in doubt, check out Grammarly!
Post consistently
To become a valuable resource for your followers, you need to be in their lives all of the time—but not just sporadically! The more often you post, especially during peak times, means that more people will see your account when they’re scrolling through their feeds. For best results, shoot for posting once per day: if possible, early in your posting window. Consistency is key!
Steven Barron is an expert in many fields like tech, education, travel, finance, games, cars, and sports. He started his career in the tech industry, where he learned a lot and got good at spotting tech trends. Steven then moved into writing. He loves technology and is great at telling stories. His articles cover topics like new gadgets, education, and finance. They are full of detail but easy to read. Steven loves to travel and is a big sports fan. This shows in his travel and sports writing, where he draws in readers with clear descriptions and smart insights.